A day of reckoning, laid out 6 years ago by the man now advising Trump45
20 November 2016
As I write this, President-Elect Donald J. Trump has announced that the Writer/Director of this documentary is his Chief Strategist. Let that soak in for awhile and maybe watch this entire film again. I'll wait.

So, a day of reckoning approaches, January 20th 2017 in fact, when the Grey Champion assumes command. This film lays out in rigid order the 5 W's; who, what, when, where, and why of, How did America get into this mess. 20 TRILLION dollars in debt! Destitute citizens, abused by fiscal policies that left them behind! Cities caving in on themselves, industries hollowed out, joblessness and poverty. This prescient film answers these charges, pointing at the guilty, and shows clearly the outlines of the problem. But to act? Who and when?

The production values are superb, shot and cut to the standards we expect from high end producers. My only complaint is the intensity level, there is a lot to absorb in 90 minutes. I watched it in chunks.

As to the content, little of it has been allowed any examination from the traditional, legacy media, which is no surprise, as the election of Trump45 so devastatingly exposed them all as Democrats with a byline. This material will be eye opening to many people, who have been lied to by their trusted news sources.
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