Who Killed My Husband? (2016 TV Movie)
Who Tired My Desk Job?
24 November 2016
With a title like "Who Killed My Husband?" there should be no surprise by the opening incident in this story. The doomed man goes off to buy a birthday cake for his pretty 14-year-old daughter Yasmeene Ball (as Chloe Howell). By the way, she has asthma. That might figure in the plot, later. At the same time Ms. Ball's off-duty detective dad is picking up her birthday cake, there is a robbery at the bakery. A thief, wearing a way-too-bright blue hoodie, commits the dirty deed. Hopefully the thief's escape route was rife with bright blue buildings because thieves don't usually like to wear easily identifiable clothing. They wouldn't let a kidnap victim have an iPad to play with, either...

Three months later, the deceased detective's blonde widow Andrea Bowen (as Sophie) gets tired in her desk job. Also a police detective, Ms. Bowen takes an undercover assignment which connects everything, but puts her life in danger. Her step-daughter is also threatened. As you might recall, she has asthma. This story is odd in that there really isn't a big moment when Ms. Bowen decides the wheels of justice are moving too slow and sets out to discover "Who Killed My Husband?" for herself. The title is not appropriate and she matter-of-factly discovers what happened. The cast and director David Winning are sneaky, but not enough. Bowen's lead performance is a nicely rendered.

**** Who Killed My Husband? (3/1/2016) David Winning ~ Andrea Bowen, Yasmeene Ball, Anja Savcic, Thomas Cadrot
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