The Uninvited (1996 TV Movie)
One of many TV movies that should never have been made
27 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Methinks somebody has been watching POLTERGEIST one too many is the case with many, many mid '90s television movies, this is utter rubbish. Just as I expected. Throughout the film little happens, apart from a few inexplicable events. The climax arrives with zero tension or suspense and a big poorly-animated CGI head arrives floating in the air. Maybe Jan de Bont saw this when he was making THE HAUNTING. Absolutely nothing here is original, and even the best scare, a bath overrunning with blood, has been taken from countless other films (THE SHINING to name just one). The acting is poor and Beau Bridges should be ashamed of appearing in this one. He also has a wife about twenty years younger than him.

So, if your idea of fear is a few doors banging shut and a bath filling with water, then this film is for you. Unfortunately the film makers saw fit to have a sickening "cute" ghost around too, appearing via some "wondrous" special effects of sparkling lights. I'm being just ever so slightly sarcastic here. Oh, and they couldn't even spell cemetery correctly in the epilogue, either. Every plot twist is predictable, every moment boring. I had a battle of wills while watching this; the sensible half of me wanted to switch it off, the stubborn side wanted to watch it for the sake of completeness. I did, in the end, but I wish I hadn't bothered. Dull, pointless and totally irredeemable, this is just another in a long line of television movies that didn't deserve to have been made.
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