A good film with minimal characters...
2 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film because it didn't have too many characters. The main focus was on Justin Rain and Nate Arcand talking about their problems growing up (but especially how harder it is for Native kids), how one professes that being in school is beneficial for Indians while the other says school is just white man's way of "being educated". But the main topic of their long discussion was whether to join up with a protest against logging companies were trying to tear down trees that sat on traditional Native land. (I think ... if memory serves now. It's been a long time since I saw the film). Anyways so as they were discussing many things about life in general they contemplated joining up with their People, mostly friends and relatives in attempting to prevent further corruption on their own land by the logging companies. It all came down to what was going to happen to the land. Would the logging companies get their way like how all corrupt organizations do and wrongfully clear the land away or would the Native protesters win this battle by stopping them from destroying their traditional lands?
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