Review of Switch

Law & Order: Switch (1995)
Season 5, Episode 22
The Three Faces of Megan
3 December 2016
Francie Swift in her performance as a murder suspect with multiple personalities steals this particular Law And Order episode from all the regulars. Classic movie fans will recognize that this particular story is a reworking of the famous classic that got Joanne Woodward a Best Actress Oscar for Three Faces Of Eve.

A psychologist is murdered during the late hours she kept by one of her patients. Jerry Orbach and Chris Noth narrow it down to Swift who works as a server in a diner.

Swift is one psychological mess, her different personalities might stem from witnessing her own mother's murder. By her father Sam Groom nonetheless.

The twp question are is she the murderer, but also which of herselves did the deed.

Bob Dishy makes one of his appearances as defense attorney Lawrence Weaver who is right up there with Tovah Feldshuh as guest star defense attorney. Dishy is always convincing and acts like a really good criminal attorney.

Francie Swift however makes this one a special episode.
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