Wild Force (1986)
Filipino war trash action
4 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A cheapo war effort from the Philippines, this is an entirely homegrown effort; there's no Cirio H. Santiago here, importing American C-list stars. Instead, it's simply a Filipino action flick, made for local audiences, with the dialogue spoken in Tagalog, which somebody decided needed dubbing and distributing to the overseas market. It's low budget and fairly entertaining on an expect-nothing level; there's plenty of action along the way, so if repetitive scenes of people shooting each other is your cup of tea, then go for it.

My main problem with this movie is the lack of excitement. With ripped off music and direction that doesn't even try (I don't think there's a single 'close up' shot in whole film, so all the actors are interchangeable), I was thoroughly bored from the outset and it never gets any better. The action is poorly staged, probably the lowest of the low you'll see in a film; when I say that Vin Diesel's fight with ninjas in THE PACIFIER is about 100x better than the action here then you'll have some idea of what I mean.

Still, there are a few choice moments if you're really into bad flicks. The dubbing's typically awful, and you've gotta love the incredible sexism when the "Wild Force" learns a woman will be joining them ("shouldn't you be cooking meals" etc.). There's a funny bald guy who loses his pants in a few scenes before committing suicide and a hilarious climb up a waterfall as our 'heroes' battle against the rushing water (wouldn't it have been better to go AROUND it?). Of course there's an unpleasant rape scene with nudity thrown in and a supposedly exciting climax when our heroes start getting picked off one by one (not so bad, I guess). Things ended suddenly, so I got up and chucked the video cassette in the trash...well, there was never going to be any other outcome, was there?
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