"What Roger St. Clair wants, Roger St. Clair . . . "
5 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
" . . . takes," threatens the villain of LOVE AND CURSES, an uncannily accurate allegorical prophecy about the U.S. 2016 Presidential Election released by Warner Bros. in the 1930s. As White House Resident-Elect Donald J. Rump's Military Academy bunk mates have testified, the 13-year-old Rump first vowed to become U.S. Groper-in-Chief as his bare butt was reddened through a public paddling for his 1959 hair code violation. By the 1980s, Rump's Obsession with the White House had made him the Laughing Stock of New York High Society. He was lampooned way back then by Doonesbury cartoonist Gary Trudeau. However, the quote above from the villainous Roger is a paraphrase of Rump's future "Let's Play Doctor!" ACCESS HOLLYWO0D confession tape. When a 70-year-old Roger finally kidnap's Harold's wife Emily for good at the close of LOVE AND CURSES, you can almost hear a mob of mindless Rumpsters Rasping Rebel Yells of "Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!" Obviously, the Looney Tuners mean to portray Roger as a Corrupt Capitalist One Per Center, since they show him driving his town's first automobile in the 1890s. A Word to the Wise, particularly Women: Kindle Margaret Atwood's classic book THE HANDMAID'S TAIL immediately to learn what's in store for you under the coming Rump\Scents Reign of Terror!
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