Maybe, what would be nice to see
7 November 2016
2 guest judges, five equal votes with a blind tasting/voting for the final cook off. Only fair way to do it. It is too painfully obvious who the teacher's pets are(I do love the show either way). They should go from 0% blind judging to 80% (at least) with guest judges to round out the favoritism. A great chef could be a judge's pet, but is that fair to the other great chefs that are competing? And this pandering to the cooks!! 15 mins over time on a one hour cook- that's a 25% increase in the amount of time that you get to create your dish. I bet the other chefs would love to have a 25% increase in their time as well to polish their dish. 1 min. over and you should be automatically disqualified, kicked off, period. The other chefs brought their dishes in on time, why give one or two chef's 25% more time when other chef's didn't get that favoritism????? Why give a one hour/3 hr time limit(or whatever limit) then not follow through with it. Oh, it's OK if you break the rules, you're my favorite...
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