Perry Mason: The Case of the Bluffing Blast (1963)
Season 6, Episode 14
I don't I know who killed him I was too drunk at the time that it happened.
23 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Perry Mason, Raymond Burr, gets himself involved in defending a young woman Linda Blake, Antoinatte Bower, who just happened to be at the scene of the murder-with a wooden walking stick-of dairy owner Floyd Grant,played by Perry's secretary Della Street's (Barbara Hale) real life husband Bill Williams. It soon turns out that Grant had been blackmailing someone involved in the accidental shooting of Linda's estranged father Addison Blake by the now part owner owner of his diary company Charles Lambert,Robert Knapp,who was too drunk at the time to remember what happened!

With Linda being her father's only surviving relative Lambert's partner in the business Floyd Grant plans to have her murdered or knocked off to prevent her from taking ownership of it. Despite Grant's best efforts he in fact ends up getting murdered with Linda being the #1 suspect in his demise. Perry Mason who was handling the paper work in this case defends Linda, pro Bono of course, and soon realizes that there was another person involved in Grant's murder! Someone like the drunk and mostly out of it Lambert that he was blackmailing for years who took advantage, with Linda being charged in his murder, of the situation.

Another overly confusing Perry Mason episode with Perry getting the killer to confess to the crime without as much as having a coffee brake in between his cross examination. Perry at first was a bit confused in who murdered Grant with Grant himself possibly the person who murdered Linda's father Addison Blake-And thus deserving what he got-but had to prevent Linda for getting convicted and possibly facing the death penalty. The fact that Grant's killer broke down and gladly confessed to the crime in wanting this Perry Mason episode to come to an early end made the job of Perry getting Linda off the hook that much easier for him.
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