Giving Ed Wood a run for his money...
9 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
...and then some, "Lazarus: Apocalypse" aka "Lazarus: Day of the Living Dead" easily vies for worst film I've seen in quite a long time. The lack of a single external review is utterly unsurprising; this cinematic misfire hasn't got a single thing going for it, by any stretch of the imagination. Stiff and/or non-existent acting, risible dialog, misguided production design, you name it; "Lazarus..." is mediocre at best and a stultifying bore otherwise. Ostensibly the first of an intended trilogy, "Lazarus..." attempts to...well, it's damn hard to tell exactly what this poor, crippled thing is attempting. Even the auteur writer/director's self-important and hilariously oblivious DVD commentary sheds no discernible light on the nearly incomprehensible script beyond its obvious illustration of Sturgeon's Revelation. A footnote appearance by Stephen "Fright Night" Geoffreys remains the barest of reasons this piece will ever be historically noted. Recommended only to fans of wretched cinema, and even then be prepared to bitterly regret the waste of your time.
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