Not as creepy as Lord Of Tears
12 December 2016
Hmm, contributed ( although meagerly) to this project, and I must admit I had hoped for a slightly better outcome. I felt a bit underwhelmed by this as opposed to Lord of Tears, which was a superior film in my opinion. The same sense of desolation and hopelessness is definitely present, but what is lacking here is the intangible sense of dread. When you choose to display the enemy so frequently, much of the uncanny and the creepy loose its impact, I felt there was such an over-saturation of the raven-men, that it became boring. In Lord Of Tears, the creature was used sparingly, appearing now and then to utter prophecies of doom, but here the raven- men is used to so such an effect that they almost cancel themselves out as figments of horror and madness and instead becoming mere men in beaked costumes. Which of course diminishes greatly the alternate reality you are supposed to be swept up in as a viewer. But all in all, compared to the soulless dreck being released with the label of horror these days, this film is without a doubt a work of passion for horror, and despite the flaws, I suggest you check it out. And whenever Mr. Brewster has a new project, you should support it, there is always room for improvement.
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