7 Days (2010)
This is what "Prisoners" should have been
19 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Prisoners" with Hugh Jackman was a good revenge film. However, because it was a Hollywood production, we never got to see Paul Dano graphic beating, just the aftermath. In 7 Days, you're not spared the brutality; it's right in your face. Yes, you need a strong stomach to handle it. Also, if you are turned off by male nudity, this movie isn't for you. When it comes to "7 Days", it is what it is. There really is no resolution; just a slice of life with no music score. Recommended, though.

I question the pacing of the film, though. It can be pretty lethargic in spots. That's pretty much what my complaint was with "Martyrs." I couldn't help thinking that the director wanted to fill the audience with the same kind of ennui anyone who was kidnapped will face. Yes, we get it. Revenge doesn't happen at 100 MPH.

The acting was spot on in this film. The atmosphere created was tense as hell. The father's brutality seemed over the top, but I guess it is what it is. I'd say the film is worth seeing if it could be re-edited for a faster pace.
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