Unstoppable (2013)
Opportunistic despite his probably well-intended reasons
26 December 2016
This film is from the same person who made that movie about the saving Christmas, which was supposed to be about a war against Christmas --- that doesn't exist.

Now in this film, based on the review and summary I read, is using a death of a friend/family and leverages the tragic situation to proselytise Christianity.

I don't know if the rumours are true, that this Kirk Cameron was an ex- atheist... but whatever his reasons are for falling into the abyss of Christian ignorance I can safely bet that it is not because he found factual, empirical evidence that firmly supports the Christian belief. (Dust-man, rib woman, talking snake, desert wanderers, virgin births, 'resurrection', etc. --- and an existence of an all-knowing, creating- everything sky father who is seemingly very obsessed with how hairless apes living in a very, very minuscule piece of rock in a +13 billion light-year-wide universe... use their genitals).

I don't know. I don't think even a modestly educated Christian can enjoy this movie. I think only people similar to the director himself - who believes this earth is only 6,000 years old and other creationist nonsense - will enjoy this movie.
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