Just Screams Fake to Me
28 December 2016
Living on One Dollar (2013)

** (out of 4)

Four friends traveled to a rural part of Guatemala where they try to survive on what's basically less than one dollar. The extreme poverty of the area is the main focus of this documentary.

I'm sure everyone involved with this documentary had great intentions but the end result just didn't really work with me. I couldn't help but feel that this film was done by privileged people with money who wanted to go shine a light on poor people. I'm sorry but I just never felt like I was watching something real and instead it just seemed too hokey and fake.

Perhaps I'm 100% wrong. Heck, I might be since I've never been to this location or worked with any of these people. With that said, if what I was watching was real then it just didn't come across that way on screen. The film really did seem to be scripted as we get the good stuff, we get the drama, we get the downfall, we get the miracle that saves the day, we get another tragedy and then the happy ending. It just never did work with me.
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