Strange Empire (2014–2015)
Poorly thought out plot, highly contrived
2 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I tried watching this show twice and I simply couldn't take it anymore.

Let me get this straight, so the bad guy kills all the men around so that the women become prostitutes in his brothel? But aren't you killing your customers, i.e. men? If there are no men, who exactly is paying for these prostitutes?

Looks like someone needs a lesson in economics, supply and demand. Having tons of supply (prostitutes) means nothing if you don't have demand (men). In fact, increasing the number of available prostitutes reduces prices (think Prohibition vs now. Price of booze has dropped). Decreasing the population of men also reduces demand because the market has shrunk.

You're supposed to eliminate the competition, not your customers.

Let me put it this way, if you had a town of 100 men and one prostitute, you'd be able to make a lot more money than in a town of 100 prostitutes and one man. It doesn't have to be prostitutes, it could be milk, clairvoyance, medicine, anything. A hundred doctors won't make a lot of money from one patient.

I can't take this show seriously. This is not Keynesian economics. This is not even the goose that laid golden eggs. This is basic stuff. You don't kill your customers. If people bring you money and you kill them, guess what? They stop bringing you money.
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