Well-mounted WW2 epic
4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
John Guillermin directs another all-star cast in this big budget WW2 adventure about the desperate attempts to take a bridge that provides crucial access across the Rhine into Nazi Germany. The story is set in the dying days of the war and the desperation of the men involved on both sides is more than apparent thanks to the realism of the script, which has a certain darkness to it which works well.

THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN carefully tells the story of this battle from both sides, although I found the German characters to be better written and more realistic than their American counterparts. Of the US troops, George Segal is saddled with a dullish character, although Bradford Dillman is better as the prissy major. The Nazi characters are well drawn and the best of the bunch is Robert Vaughn. He's not the first actor I would have chosen to play a Nazi but he does surprisingly well cast against type and brings plenty to this multi-layered character. The action is realistic and sufficiently thrilling to make THE BRIDGE AT REMAGEN worth a watch.
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