Almost wholly poetry
7 January 2017
A most charming picture, almost wholly poetry, giving a love story, with an elopement of two precocious youngsters. Little Dolores Costello and Kenneth Casey play the leads. The former, a very good little actress, is as winsome as can be as the latter's little sweetheart. By the setting and costuming, we should say the story happens in 1830 or a bit before, and in some Southern city. Mr. Harold Wilson plays commendably the role of white-haired darkey coachman, who solemnly promises not to tell of the plot to elope. He is a very amusing darkey. The elopement is soon an open secret; but it goes on, nevertheless. The real parson won't marry the kids, so Master Kenneth compels the son of the darkey coachman to read the service. Fresh, bright, amusing and pretty; it will probably be liked everywhere. In the cast we see also Miss Rose Tapley and Harry Mayo, as the girl's parents; Miss Theby and Mr. Newburg, as the boy's parents. Paul Kelly plays the darkey boy and Miss Kate Price an old darkey mammy. - The Moving Picture World, August 10, 1912
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