The Snare (2017)
Very enjoyable from avid horror lover
10 January 2017
Very much enjoyed this movie - thought it was strong from a variety of aspects

To put this style of movie out there I was concerned it'd be cheesy and not effective however it was crafted carefully and creatively and didn't follow the typical cliché in terms of which way it was taken, it instead teased with the narrative

I enjoyed the different layers within this film, it has the jump factor for those watching it on a visual viewing level alongside the deeper and more twisted psychological levels which can leave the viewer feeling uncomfortable and distressed - exactly what you'd want from watching a horror!

A strong movie which clearly had a lot of though put into the creative process - some of the beautiful scenery shots were very aesthetically pleasing and the horror sequences later in the film were crafted and edited together perfectly.

Well worth a watch whether to be enjoyed on a disconnected, just watching a film level or on the deeper level - reminiscent of how I felt watching movies by Guillermo Del Toro (The orphanage/Pans Labyrinth)

Well done credit to the team who created this movie
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