Illuminating and entertaining music documentary
10 January 2017
An illuminating and entertaining music documentary.

Covers the Rolling Stones' 1965 tour of Ireland. Features concert footage, backstage and hotel scenes and interviews with the band. At the time the Stones were still more a blues/R&B band, rather than the rock superstars they would later become. All other Stones films I have seen were in the rock days, and there's a difference.

Here the Stones, though obviously big in the music world - just see the fans adoration, especially from the young girls - seem to still have a degree of innocence and are almost shocked at how popular they are. They still don't really think their fame and popularity are permanent. There's almost a lack of self-confidence on their part, especially from Charlie Watts.

Also interesting to see that some of the standout Stones features are already there. Most particularly, Jagger's stage performance is all movement, swagger and bravado - that came early. Plus you see the natural musical ability of Keith Richard(s) and the shyness of Charlie Watts.

The interviews, particularly with Jagger, are quite illuminating. You can see they are not addle-brained louts, but young men who think about their art, what has come before and where it is going.

A relatively unique Stones experience.
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