An honest waste of your time
14 January 2017
This film gives off the feel that this was a rush job to get a movie out to silence the hobbyists currently seriously researching this controversial topic. This topic is a serious one, since if it was truly faked, then this changes a lot, and the absolute kindergarten approach to the cinematography shows perfectly, that this was not at all a project meant to be taken seriously.

If this was intended for an audience, then it was intended more to rubbish the allegations of a possibility, much like the films execution in itself was rubbish. I do not take anything away from the actors, though looking into the deeper meaning of both the organization in, and execution of the film on a whole, one is left thinking they could have fixed the garage door in that time, or maybe thrown out the garbage.

Hollywood could make Transformers, a bunch of robots, look like the best thing in the world, but could not make something as serious as whether a supposed world power actually landed on the moon or not, look absolutely ridiculous...one has to ask if this 5th grade approach is intentional or not. Films like "Interstellar, Apollo 11, The Martian", have had loads of money, where we deny aliens, confirm humans being superior, yet here where there is a testament of the opposite, we use less than a million by the look and feel of things, to create something that could have been as creatively controversial and original in feel as Inception, yet fell as low in quality as the likes of "Jobs" featuring Ashton Kutcher. One is truly left feeling Hollywood is now hand picking the movies to be given high or low spend. Movies that relate to possible reality are thinkers movies. This is why the budget has always been so high. This shows a lack of respect for the notion, and sadly, the actors suffer.Some of us look beyond just the guns and swear words, and with much disappointment, this lacked the exact substance that makes such creations unique and in a class of their own.
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