Story of Joints and Rapists
15 January 2017
Erotic melodrama directed by Rafael Portillo, creator of the Mexican cult horror trilogy of "The Aztec Mummy", it was scripted by Oscar García Dulzaides, who produced several films with sexy titles like "The Fever of Desire" and "The Naked Skin", made before "I Was Raped", whose only saving grace is a very good (anonymous) jazz score. You have to see it to believe it: the plot involves revenge, castration at gunpoint, horny hippies, Gothic lesbians and strange sexual rites, led by muscular Afro-descendant Lincoln McLeod, as some kind of high priest of pleasure in the city of Panamá. Armando Silvestre, once the young and handsome hunk of Emilio Fernández's classic "La red," stars as a rapist and member of Lincoln's club of pot-smoking hippies, who stalks Leticia Perdigón, a well-to-do adolescent, without knowing that she is the daughter he procreated when he raped Martha Elena Cervantes, who, you figure it out, 16 years later works as a prostitute in Blanquita Casanova's brothel, lives in a little mansion in the city, and is the daughter of Anita Villalaz, who was then the "Dame of Panamanian theater". The young girl likes to smoke a joint every now and then, slaps Dona Anita and hangs around with pretty for nothing Ricardo Cortés, who enters a crisis typical of a heroin maniac when he does not smoke his daily joint. On top of that, Ricardo was the one who started the girl in the consumption of the "holy grass" and for that reason a tremendous drama unfolds, ruled, of course, by aberrant disinformation about the cannabis, that one better takes it all as a joke, especially in the bizarre scene in which Martha Elena forces Leticia to smoke a marijuana cigarette and then declares her a "unregenerate professional." Filled with moralistic speeches, the plot justifies corruption and extortion, gratuitous sex scenes and female nudity, while Silvestre sports red underpants in his most "daring" scene. Hard to find, it is worth a look as a good example of bad cinema that deserves cult following.
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