Great American Crime Saga
16 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary explores the murder trial of O.J. Simpson - but it focuses not only on the lives of the people involved - but also the socio-political backdrop of Los Angeles. A city where the police acted as a militarized force against the black communities at a disparaging rate - and the courts seemed to protect the police and persecute the blacks. At the same time - to be rich in Los Angeles - was to be able to literally - get away with cold blooded murder.

From out of this landscape - came the crime of the century. Where the beloved and wealthy O.J Simpson - a college football star, professional player, move star, and celebrity, was accused of a horrific homicide - taking a knife and butchering his wife and her friend. He would then lead the police on bizarre chase that was watched by millions of Americans. He was even cheered on by thousands of people who waited on the road to watch him pass by.

After his arrest came the trial of the century - a tale that not even Shakespeare could have written. The trial would be broadcast live and watched by millions of people around the world. It was one of the biggest events in history. The defense was made up of a team of specialists who were paid fifty thousand dollars a day to poke holes in the prosecutors case - and boy did they ever! Racist cops. Allegedly planted evidence. Murder gloves that do not fit.

But what makes this more interesting - is that despite the defense theories - the evidence against O.J Simpson was overwhelming. He was home at the time of the murders. He had a history of severe domestic abuse. Stalking. He had cuts on his hands from a knife that he could not explain. There was simply no one else with the means, motive, and opportunity to murder these people. Yet - the jury acquitted him after only three hours of deliberation!

The jurors were made up of nine black women. The DA had decided to keep the trial in downtown Los Angeles so it would seem to be a more balanced prosecution. But the jury would later admit that O.J Simpson was acquitted because they wanted revenge on the city of Los Angeles for the mistreatment of the black community at the hands of the police department. After the footage the documentary shows - it is difficult not to sympathize with the jurors plight. Their community was under siege. They retaliated.

Even more astonishing - was that OJ Simpson had never been a defender of the black community. In fact, he had distanced himself from the black community almost all of his life. Yet they protected him - and to the black community it was a sign of progress for a black person who be acquitted in a court of law - even if they were guilty. Perhaps that is a racial quagmire that I - and all other white people - should fathom - before we pass judgment?

OJ Simpson would be found not guilty, but his crimes would haunt him for the rest of his days. His friends distanced themselves. He lost much of his fortune. He was even found liable in a civil trial of the murders. His life imploded into drugs, alcohol, and buffoonery. He ran with a crew of misfits and losers and scumbags and con artists. Finally - he would commit a stupid armed robbery to get some of his old memorabilia back and he would at last be sentenced to decades in prison.

One cannot help but notice that all of America is on trial in this documentary - and that in a sense - justice was indeed done. The city of Los Angeles was punished for their crimes. O.J. Simpson was finally punished for his crimes. Perhaps there is no way to make sense out of all of this - except to learn from this story - and try not to repeat history?

I should ad - this documentary is simply far more complex than any written review can explain. It had tremendous interviews with the colorful cast of characters involved. Footage of heartbreaking loss. Intense struggle. And even the heroic actions of the family of the murder victims - whose pursuit of justice would not go unanswered.
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