Review of Arrival

Arrival (II) (2016)
Long, boring, stupid. It's no wonder it has such a high rating.
16 January 2017
When the majority of people on this planet have an IQ around's no wonder people will fall for this crap. The soundtrack is sappy and grating, the entire story is nothing but an appeal to emotions, there is zero "science" involved, and it features two of the worst actors around, Adams and Renner. This is a blatant money-grab, and the idiotic masses lap it up. Hollywood is on auto-pilot. Just keep regurgitating watered-down movies from the past, using washed-up actors who need money to pay their mortgages, and wrap it in a "new" package. When all of the morons of the world open it up, only to find a few stale crumbs, you can laugh all the way to the bank. "A sucker is born every minute".
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