The X-Files: D.P.O. (1995)
Season 3, Episode 3
Lightning strikes
20 January 2017
What can I say about this episode. It's a regular one. Nothing special about it. The thing is this. When the X-Files was on TV people didn't expect the kind of story lines, that we get nowadays. So I have to remind myself, that it is totally fine, that after four incredible myth episodes we now go back to the monster of the week. In all honesty though this time around the monster isn't really exciting. Actually, the most exciting thing was to see Jack Black and Giovanni Ribisi. I didn't expect that one and the two of them didn't disappoint. Ribisi brought a diverse array of emotions, while being terrifying as well. The episode also has this clear 90s vibe, which I liked. You look at both Black and Ribisi and have no choice, but to think: Yeah 90s. Both of these guys could walk around in those early Linklater movies. Mulder and Scully were in great form, too. I noticed something about Duchovny in this episode. Something was different. Maybe it was the hair or a little new movement of his lips. After four episodes of hectic behavior, Mulder was back to normal.
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