Hard to Take
23 January 2017
Mickey Rooney is putting on a bad performance of Uncle Tom's Cabin, but first he has to deal with the competition; another boy is putting on a wild animal show -- house cats inflamed by the "tamer" having white mice in his trousers.

This one has not aged well and the jokes are about how awful the kids' shows are -- about the level of those awful Our Gang comedies in which Alfalfa would sing. Ha ha, they're awful. Yes. Just like this movie.

The only reason to see this one -- unless, like me, you'll look at any moving pictures, including dental x-rays if someone is waving them around -- is to see Mickey Rooney. He's eight years old, in his third year as a movie actor and second as a star. He mugs it up, just as he would throughout his career when in a comedy, and it works here, because this one is based on the Toonerville People comic strip, so the performance is appropriate. It doesn't make it easier to look at.
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