The Flash: Borrowing Problems from the Future (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
The Flash - S03E10 Borrowing Problems from the Future
24 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash is back and thank god for it. This is one of my favourite shows I am currently watching and this episode showed why. I loved everything about this episode and I thought it was a perfect return to part B of season 2.

What I loved about this episode was how smoothly it felt sliding back into the show. After a fair bit of time off, I felt like they did a seamless job reminding us where we are at with the show without spending too much time revolving around a recap. I think most of this credit should go to the new opening. I thought it summed up the first half of the season perfectly and set us up for what we are going to happen in the second half.

Going into the second half of the season, I'm really liking the angle they are taking at it. I really thought the idea of trying to achieve their end goal by changing one event at a time. This is largely different from what we are use to in other season where the team has a problem they have to overcome but they don't know how. I like the idea how we are going to see some form of progress being made towards taking down Savitar. Regardless if they actually stick to that plan for the whole second half of the season, from an audience point of view, it shows a path they are planning to take which will excite the audience.

My favourite moment of this episode was between Barry and Iris when Barry is tell her what happens in the future. It is emotional moments like this that makes this show what it is. This is first episode back from it's break and they are hitting with their emotional punches. Like most emotional scenes, Gustin brings the acting chops and he is proving to me time and time again that his an actor I'm going to be looking out for in any TV show or film after The Flash is over.

There was a few side story lines they introduced or added on to this episode that will be played out during the second half of the season. I've been excited to see how the STAR museum is going to play out some it's good to finally see it happening. Similarly, Kid Flash has been a character I've been waiting for ever since we first got Wally West last season, so it was great to finally see him being recognized as Kid Flash. Finally, the tease at the end where someone is coming for HR, we all knew something more was going to come from him coming to Earth 1 so I'm interested to see where this will be going.

On a side note, the hints towards the musical crossover, more Killer Frost and Gorilla Warfare gave me the biggest smile during the future scene.

Overall a fantastic start to the second half to the season. They set up so many story lines that are going to be played out and they isn't one I'm not the slightest bit excited for. Hopefully they can keep up this quality and continue onto the great start to the season I thought this show had.

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