The Flash: Borrowing Problems from the Future (2017)
Season 3, Episode 10
Problems and Solutions
25 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The mid-season premieres in season 1 and 2 were pretty weak and never really expanded upon the mid-season finales of those seasons so that's kind of what I expected from this episode, I was wrong. This episode (which has a great title) took the revelations of last episode and used them to boost itself.

Barry's fear of the future played so well throughout this episode. It stirred up some suspicion from Iris, caused tension between the Flash and Kid Flash which lead to the villain gaining the advantage. The villain was in fact better than I had anticipated, I mean, heat-seeking bullets? Nice indeed. Plunder had some great gear with him and it was just a little weird that he waited so long to use them and seemed to be throwing everything out when he was escaping on his bike. Either way, he worked as a low tier villain to add some action into the episode and honestly he looked pretty darn cool.

HR found problems with his launch of the STAR Labs museum. Everything about the STAR Labs museum in this episode was funny. Like Cisco's hologram, HR's reaction to hearing the museum closes in the future and HR just waving away Cisco's question about who's paying for all of it.

Caitlin continues to have a problem with her Killer Frost powers. I would have thought a meta-human expert would want to learn how to cure meta-humans. Wouldn't that solve a lot of problems and save the city money paid to restore damages? Guess Julian is just too afraid to be working on Killer Frost who nearly killed him. I'm glad that he's going to more involved in Team Flash's endeavours.

One of the best parts of the episode was the tease of a gorilla invasion, so now we know Grodd is coming back (and he's bringing an army!). War for the planet(s) of the apes? Super excited.

All in all I think this was a great mid-season premiere, all seemed to fit well within the episode and I hope the season will just keep getting better and with Grodd returning I can't see how it won't!
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