A different kind of lawyers
25 January 2017
"99.9 ~ Keiji Senmon Bengoshi" is a very entertaining TV show that centers around a group of lawyers that tries to prevent innocent people from ending in prison.

The idea behind the show is a not very subtle critic of the conviction rate in Japan, which is as high as 99,9% (it could be a little bit lower, but that is what the show says). It is true though that it is extremely high and that this rate has two consequences. First: if you end in trial, you can basically consider yourself guilty in the eyes of the law. Second: that there have some cases where the 'truth' (or absolutely not the truth) has been forced out of some suspects, with some scandals or embarrassing moments.

The show follows your case-of-the-week format, where the team of lawyers will try to uncover the truth behind the accusations. The show centers on Jun Matsumoto's Miyama, who believes that finding the truth is what is really important, and Teruyuki Kagawa's Sada, who first and foremost wants to help the client, without caring if the truth is uncovered or not.

What makes the show entertaining (more than the cases, which range from interesting to a little bit meh), is the relationship between the group of lawyers. Matsumoto munches the screen and overacts in a very funny way. But it is his relationship with Sada which brings the show to another level. Kagawa does a great job as the leader of the team, and lets his comedy muscles stretch a little bit (which is great, because he normally gets the shady and sleazy role). The 'package' around them, which includes a pro-wrestling fan and a paralegal who has fallen the bar examination countless of times, has the variety to make the proceedings always entertaining.

A little bit shallow, but fun to watch, "99.9 ~ Keiji Senmon Bengoshi" meets the expectations.
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