Doesn't Give us the Real Story
25 January 2017
As interesting as the show is, it doesn't tell the real story about auctions. We've been told about the 10% premium to the buyer and the 7% to the seller. Are those premiums also charged to volume buyers and sellers like Carini? How about the ins and outs on reserve vs. non reserve cars? What is the cost difference to the seller when he has a reserve car? When won't an auction take a reserve car? Carini also fudges on prices. When he wants a car to sell for a certain amount and it doesn't, he adds on the buyer's premium to bring it up to his estimate.

I suppose if Carini or the other big auction customers who show up on Velocity actually told us about with the details they'd lose their favored status as auction customers. So much for reportage.

It would be nice if Wayne would learn how to pronounce "concours d'elegance" (there's no "dee" sound in there, Wayne) and stop saying "but yet." The word "yet" doesn't need a "but." Agggh.

And one final thing -- despite all the cars Wayne supposedly owns and sells on the show, the cars advertised on his website for sale or that have been sold don't relate at all to the great cars paraded on the show.

Bottom line is this is just another "reality" show which is from far reality.
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