Review of Cave

Cave (2016)
Predictable and really really bad
27 January 2017
3 friends=Two guys and a girl( with absolutely no on screen chemistry) has decided to go on a pre planed cave exploration,to find some exit that none has found before. One of the guys is the girls longtime ex.BF.and the other is her current boyfriend.And they are all awkward friends.Guess where the thriller element is.

There's very little in the way of character development here,and no back ground story on the 3 friends.Aside from that you get to know one of is her ex bf. And the on screen chemistry is none existent.But that't quite common for Norwegian movies,along with stilted dialogue. Norwegian actors,seem to have a very big problem getting into the role of their character,and make him or her convincing. Especially in Norwegian movies.

*******warning spoiler*************Warning Spoiler************ I don't know much about underwater cave exploring,or cave exploring in general.But I would assume you need to have some sort of back up plan.Something that can take you back to the entrance, if you go down the wrong rabbit whole,or get turned around. But these guys go on a whim and a prayer. They got some sketched map they follow,but only one copy. I doubt it would do them any good if you get turned around in a cave. Also when I think of cave explorers, I would assume they need to be fit.But one of the guys is so fat, that he's beer gut make him look 5 months pregnant. Also very little with the exploration seem very well planed. They have left everything up to one person.No pre check of equipment no each man is responsible for their own checklist etc.

I know if I was going on something as dangerous as this,I would check my own equipment twice,and have back on my back up plan.
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