You have GOT to read Les Adams' summary for this film!
28 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Normally I only glance at the summaries of films on IMDb. However, I am very glad I read the one by Les Adams as it not only explains the film but does it in a funny and wonderful way!

The film begins in Virginia, as Lauaralee (Wendy Barrie) is celebrating her 20th birthday. Her beau asks her to marry him but she declines as she's not in love with him. But soon a dashing and marriageable man literally comes dropping out of the sky as aviator Lt. Sam Gilcrist makes a forced landing on her property. When Lauralee sees him, it's the proverbial love at first sight. Soon they marry...though they know nothing about each other AND he's a Navy flier. However, shortly after they marry she becomes disenchanted with the life of a Navy wife and makes Sam's life very difficult. What will come of all this?

I noticed one review complained about how sexist the movie was. Well, let's say we should agree to disagree. After all, Sam was a naval officer and yet his wife constantly is complaining about how often he needs to work. Well, this DOES go with the territory and listening to the character whine and complain and demand her husband be home when he's ordered to go on maneuvers just makes her character seem like a spoiled baby. Sexism? Nah...these are just the demands the military put on a man and his spouse. Is it an easy life? No way...but sexist, I just don't see it.

Now if the complaint was that the movie was STUPID...well, that I could have agreed with wholeheartedly. Not only was the wife ridiculously naive, but the Lieutenant's reaction when his wife left him is INSANE. Additionally, he probably would have been sent to federal prison for what he did...yet magically everything works out just fine!! But he stole and then wrecked a Navy airplane-- something that cost a fortune!!! Huh?!
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