In the Money (1958)
Needed More of Eddie LeRoy
29 January 2017
"In the Money" in the very last feature-film in the Dead End Kids, Little Tough Guys, East Side Kids and the Bowery Boys saga that spanned from 1937 to 1958 and included 80 or 90 movies. It is incredible body of cinema work to leave behind by one comedy team.

I recently watched the entire Bowery Boys series on Turner Classic Movies (2016-2017). The old snap, crackle and pop wasn't present in the final few years of the series.I think it would have been a good move on the director's part to incorporate Eddie LeRoy more into Hunt Hall's comedy routine. He was a very likable little guy with spectacles.

I think David Gorcey's Chuck would have been a better foil to Hall's Sach than Stanley Clement's Duke. However, the series was burnt to a crisp by 1958, and happily it ended with this movie.
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