Review of Demolition

Demolition (2015)
Probably the most-original movie I've seen in quite some time
2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
but that doesn't make it any more believable.

I finally saw "Demolition" after seeing the trailer for it almost two years ago, and I'm glad I watched it. Once again, Jake Gyllenhaal has ventured into the world of smaller dramas after "Prince of Persia" crashed and burned at the box office to mostly positive results. It sure helped to have a decent cast, as all of the supporting actors were quite good (Cooper, Watts, glimpses of the alluring Heather Lind and newcomer Judah Lewis),

I bought in on most of the story, including a guy somehow getting upset at getting burned by a vending machine mere minutes after his wife dies and writing letters to the vending company looking for retribution. He was obviously a bit off-center to begin with, and certainly went over the edge after her death.

But there were a couple of things that just didn't hold up. There's no way a guy could literally destroy the inside AND OUTSIDE of his house in an upscale neighborhood and not get either questioned and/or arrested for disorderly conduct. Nary a neighbor nor the police seemed to be alarmed that a guy was throwing sledge hammers out of his picture windows and later driving a heavy equipment top-loader into the front wall of his house! It just didn't ring true. And don't get me started about the scene where an untrained 13 year- old kid fires a pistol (TWICE!) at somebody wearing a bulletproof vest!

But the final act had a decent payoff, and I'm still recommending you check this one out.
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