Bringing history to life....
2 February 2017
"Collision Course: Truman vs. MacArthur" is a wonderful made for television film...the type they don't make any more. This is for many reasons--the least of which is that brainless reality TV is cheap and quality movies like this one are expensive. Plus, conventional wisdom is that folks want brainless TV and intellectual programs like this one have very limited appeal. This might be true...but it's a darn shame, as this film really brings history to life and is an exceptional movie.

The film is about the relationship between General MacArthur and President Truman during the Korean War. It shows how, repeatedly, the General ignored or at least twisted his orders and practically pulled the US into an all-out war. Ultimately, this forced the President to relieve the man of office.

This film is great. It brings the story to life and doesn't sensationalize...just presents the facts in a nice manner that is very watchable. Plus, having the likes of E.G. Marshall and Henry Fonda starring in this is more than reason enough to recommend it. Well worth seeing...provided you are patient and have a love of history.
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