Gangsters vs. Mobsters
2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Never mind the awful sound effects of not only the weapons but also of the punching. Or the mobster leader who sounds and acts like a combination of Alan Alda and Woody Allen or the fact the "gangsters" are just street punks. No, forget all that. This film rips other films off. The Godfather, Scarface, The Dogs of War (near the end) even ripping lines from other films. There is nothing original about this film. It would just be better to watch those other films.

There's also some real stupid scenes. Like the fight of the gang dominating leadership, or what not. It's not even a gang, really. It's three couples: three guys, three girls. Then you have other stupid scenes like a guy being shot in broad daylight with a lot of people around and no one anywhere flinches. They just go about their day like nothing happened. The reason? Most likely, they don't know they're being filmed in a low budget movie. Which is why they don't react.

The Scarface rip (original not remake, though probably remake too) is the brother wanting an incestuous relationship with his sister, who's blind in this film. And anyone touches her he beats them down and then beats or chokes her because she's his property. Scarface, right? I think almost all mob films rip The Godfather in some way. Why not? Great film. Another stupid reason, they just got $75,000 each in a big diamond robbery and they're celebrating by dancing around in an abandoned building with a little portable stereo but the thing is: There's no music playing. So, they're dancing around with no music pretending there is music.

Even more stupid, and probably the most stupid aspect of all: in a 95 minute film, the plot doesn't begin until 59 minutes into the film. I love it when one of the bad "gangsters" says after being shot and dying, "Tell my mom I love her..." Can you be anymore cliché? As an aside, I think the blind sister likes being choked because she gets choked throughout the film. The purse snatcher choked her, her brother choked her, and a mobster choked her. Or maybe the director has a fetish of blind girls being choked, who knows? I just found it weird that this one character gets choked by several characters throughout the film.

Overall, it's watchable. The acting isn't bad, the direction, script, editing, and sound effects are all bad.
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