The Young Pope: Episode #1.3 (2016)
Season 1, Episode 3
Explain How I Got to Be Pope!
2 February 2017
As Pius XIII continues to intimidate and rankle the traditional powers, there is a continuation of efforts to try to pull him along, to play by the rules. He is putting off a traditional meeting with the Cardinals. Voiello doesn't give up, but knows that he is in trouble. The Pope is quite tired of him and knows he up to "no good." He attacks him until he explodes, and he finally tells the Pope that there was an effort to get him elected because they thought he was a weaker compromise. The Pope threatens to begin the process of eliminating his status as Cardinal. Another Cardinal is removed from the Vatican and is to be sent to Alaska. It is easy to be critical of this Pope because he is so abrasive and intractable. Yet, his efforts to avoid public relations to feather his nest is probably what is actually expected of him. He even gets angry when he is asked to baptize 90 children from all over the world. He sees it as a publicity stunt and asks if he can do something less tiresome. I have to admit, I'm still a bit confused about what is going on, but I am enjoying a little lesson in Papal expectations.
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