Has a few unintended laughs
4 February 2017
With a somewhat goofy title, it doesn't come as no surprise that "College Kickboxers" will provoke some laughs from viewers, though most of the laughs are unintentional. That's not to say that the movie is lacking some genuine merit. It doesn't look too bad for what was a really low budget, for one thing. And the martial art sequences actually are pretty good, being swift and exciting. And as the movie's inevitable martial arts master, actor Tak-Wing Tang gives his character a sense of humor which is genuinely amusing, though his thick accent makes some of his dialogue hard to make out.

But as I mentioned in the above paragraph, most of the humor found in the movie is of the unintentional kind. Some of the acting by the other players is so broad and amateurish that you can't help but laugh, especially since some of the written dialogue is also unintentionally comical. The script also suffers from a long midsection where little advance in the (thin) plot is made. Strangely, there are also some garbled plot points that suggest that key footage was edited out or not filmed in the first place.

But I admit the movie is never dull despite those shortcomings. It isn't a must see viewing experience, but it has a somewhat goofy charm that carries viewers with low expectations from start to finish. There are worse movies with this basic formula out there.
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