The little girls are charming; they are not yet actresses
4 February 2017
The quality in which Biograph pictures most excel is the atmosphere of individuality that surrounds each player, making him or her distinct from all others. In no other make of picture is it so marked. There is much of it in this very effective release, but not as much as usual. The object of the picture is to create a feeling of dread and the means it uses is to place two little girls in a locked room, and put them in danger from an "unseen enemy" in the adjoining room. This enemy is a drunken maid, who, with another rough character, is bent on blowing up a safe. There is a hole in the wall made for a stove pipe and the woman can thrust her arm through this and shoot, but she can't see to aim, because the hole is too small. Her purpose is to keep the children from using the telephone. But it lies on the floor where the eldest girl had dropped it and the sound of the shots is more eloquent to bring help than words. The little girls are charming; they are not yet actresses, but in a good place to learn acting. The photography in many scenes is not up to standard. - The Moving Picture World, September 21, 1912
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