Dolemite (1975)
Rudy Ray Moore Makes The Movie
4 February 2017
Dolemite (1975)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Dolemite (Rudy Ray Moore) is a hard-hitting pimp who is serving twenty-years in prison after being framed by some dirty cops. The warden tells him that evidence shows he might have been set-up so he allows Dolemite out of prison if he agrees to help track down someone passing guns and drugs in the streets. Soon Dolemite is going up against gangster Willie Green (D'Urville Martin).

DOLEMITE was a late entry in the blaxploitation boom of the 1970s when people like Richard Roundtree and Pam Grier became stars. Rudy Ray Moore made his debut in this film and he would make a handful of other films but there's no question that he'll always be remembered for this role. For the most part this is a mildly entertaining film, although I doubt you'll find anyone that will try to say that this is some sort of classic or even a good picture.

What makes this film work is the performance from the lead star. Yes, it's not Oscar-worthy material but it wasn't meant to be. The point of a film like this is to have fun and I must say that I thought Rudy Ray Moore was a lot of fun and especially early on when he's screaming out countless one-liners and many of them are quite funny. He's certainly very believable in the role of this pimp and he keeps the film moving at a nice pace.

For the most part the film is entertaining but there's no question that the first half is much better than the second. For some reason the movie just runs out of gas around the fifty-minute mark and it never picks up. There are some really long and boring stretches including some bits inside Dolemite's club. These scenes towards the end of the movie just drag on and go nowhere so they could have easily been cut.

DOLEMITE isn't a classic blaxploitation movie but if you're a fan of the genre then the star makes this worth watching.
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