probably not the worst movie I've seen, but close to it
5 February 2017
I try to be pretty generous with movies for the most part. I figure even if I don't like it, maybe it's just not my taste. But I don't think there's any other way to put it, this just isn't a good movie. The plot itself is pretty ridiculous, but even if the story was decent the acting would ruin it. The acting was just awful. Like, I don't think the "actors" were even trying. My friends and I wrote, performed, and recorded skits together when we were younger and our acting in those silly kid plays was better than this. I watched it because I was bored, and watched clear to the end because it gave me something to do on a yucky winter day. So will this movie cure your boredom? Eh, I was pretty bored the whole way through actually. But it's something to do.
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