This brief cartoon fits into the Ecological Disaster Category . . .
6 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
. . . among the upcoming Calamities, Catastrophes, Cataclysms, and Apocalypti about which Warner Bros. always-prescient prognosticators making up their Animated Shorts Seers division (aka, the Looney Tuners) prophecy here during BUDDY THE WOODSMAN. Chagrined that his own squalid wasteland is a environmental disaster zone that would qualify in its entirety as an EPA Super Fund Clean-up Site were it located in the USA, the Russian Red Commie KGB Crimelord known as Vlad "Mad Dog" Putin rigged America's election to put his $10 billion-plus Loan Shark client Rump into the White House to destroy America so that Russia looks good in comparison. The clairvoyant Looney Tuners cast Buddy as the Puppet Rump, carrying out lumbering rampages to an extreme. Rump's idea of clear-cutting includes chopping down Public Safety Fire Towers and Sacred Native American Totem Poles, as shown here. Canine abuse runs more rampant in Rump's lumber camp than it did on the set of A DOG'S PURPOSE, and Rump's girl Cookie brings to mind his Racist Miseducation Secretary Betsy DeVos (the first Agency Head in U.S. history "confirmed" with 50 over-our-dead-bodies "No!!" votes) as she sadistically tortures a bear with buckshot after Buddy has foisted red pepper upon it, bringing to mind DeVos' evil plot to enrich herself by more billions through her conflict-of-interest of requiring EVERY K-12 school kid in America to pay $2,000 for the "privilege" of ingesting her mandatory "Amway Calling" supplemental liquid lobotomy potion from a secret KGB formula which already has eliminated the critical thinking skills of Putin's Russian Serfs. Also, don't miss viewing how Rump's immigration policies melt a Person of Color into butter, recalling one of new U.S. Attorney General Jeff Session's childhood favorites, LITTLE BLACK SAMBO.
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