Legion: Chapter 1 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
An entertaining puzzle, but will they be able to keep it up?
9 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the pilot of Legion, I don't feel the need to see more. In fact, I almost don't want to. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, (I enjoyed it VERY MUCH), it's just that the ending left me fully satisfied. I also don't think that the rest of the series will be able to recapture the magic of this episode. After all, Noah Hawley can't direct every episode.

The thing that I loved so much about this episode is that it kept me guessing the whole time while also giving me answers the whole time. It's not uncommon for a show to be enticingly cryptic and hard to follow. But what I had never seen before this is a show that throws you answers nearly as quickly as the questions. I spent most of the episode frowning at the screen with a complete lack of understanding, and yet I knew that answers were just along the corner, along with mysteries even more tantalizing than the last. Only at the end did I truly understand it all. The catharsis that accompanied this final understanding was truly incredible. And yet it comes at a price; the show's true nature has been revealed. It has laid out all of its cards. There is no way that future episodes will be able to make me question everything in the way the pilot did, which makes me wonder; will the rest be any good? I feel like everything that made this episode so special was resolved by the end. What can they do to make future episodes as fresh and interesting as this one? I don't think that there is anything they can do, but we'll see.

One final note; the director, Noah Hawley, deserves major props for this episode. Without him, this would not be as special as it is. Also, Dan Stevens is fantastic as David Haller. His American accent is almost as good as Hugh Laurie's in house.
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