How dare you object to me sleeping with your husband! ...
11 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
...This is what I remember the most about this film which I have not seen in a couple of decades. Career woman Sandy (Christine Lahti) and homemaker Holly (Mary Tyler Moore) become friends, in spite of the fact that they don't have that much in common. But they really do - Holly's husband Chip (Ted Danson). Chip is having an affair with Sandy but appears to still love his wife Holly. He's not a player, he just seems to be genuinely confused and in love with two women. Then Chip dies in an automobile accident one rainy night. Shortly thereafter Sandy discovers she's pregnant with Chip's child, and she decides to give birth to and raise the baby. Holly finds this out too and is - I wouldn't call it outraged, more like bowled over.

Sandy however is shocked! shocked I say! that Holly thinks she has even an opinion in this matter. She says terribly hurtful things to Holly and basically walks on her like she is a rug. Was Sandy expecting Holly to throw a baby shower for this woman who was bedding her seemingly happy husband? Later in the movie it is revealed that mistress Sandy never found the sex with Chip that hot, while Holly is trying to come to terms with her late husband's infidelity by mentioning that things were red hot in the bedroom so that could not have been the problem.

In the meantime, the two women move away from the extremes of their personalities. Sandy moves to a healthier lifestyle given her condition, and Holly becomes more independent and even opens her own aerobics studio.

Do these two women ever reconcile, and if so, how, given what has passed between them? Watch and find out. I remember it as above average Lifetime style 80's entertainment, but the thing that sticks out the most is Sandy's anger towards Holly once everything is out in the open when you think it would be the other way around.
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