Review of Soultaker

Soultaker (1990)
Not that bad of a movie!
13 February 2017
First! OK, when you have to find everyone who worked on the film to come in giving this bad movie 9-10 stars... Wow, that's sad. MST3K called attention to this movie where it would have gotten *none*, I'm pretty sure you should be thanking them instead of whining and trying to mess with IMDb's score.

No. This movie was not good. That's fine! It wasn't horrible, but it was perfect for riffing. And the "attacks on Vivian!"? She really does look like Tonya Harding which was a big thing going on during that time. Just...stop!

MOVIE: The story wasn't bad, I won't lie. When I first watched the movie I was 15 and an aspiring writer myself, I looked past all the laughs I got from the MST3K version (so many laughs) and somehow I got to watch the full movie (I think SciFi played it?) and I was a little more impressed. This was probably the first movie that made me think "maybe I can be a writer!" ... Until I aged a bit.

Having a decent but very THIN plot doesn't make for a good movie. It moves at a snails pace half the time to stretch out the run time (it's been "almost midnight" for an hour!). Creeping mother bath scene, Joe walking around in attempts to catch... someone with no legs? There were just too many scenes that make you think it should have been half the time and know it wouldn't have lost any plot.

The camera work was terrible, though. It was shaky-cam when it needed not be and unnatural/bad angles. Not flattering at all.

I have a great deal of respect for Ms. Vivian for writing and staring in her own story and she's made an adorable movie I just watched recently! If this had been a book she wrote, I probably wouldn't have put it down. As a movie it did not work at all. Cast and crew gave the vibe of not really caring ...or just trying too hard? Not sure which, but that's what ruined the movie for me personally.
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