Age of Kill (2015)
Not 24 just seems to last that long
14 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sam Blake (Martin Kemp who is OK) a professional sniper, is forced to run around London killing people because his daughter is being held hostage by a man with a heavily disguised voice. Which sounds promising but the execution (no pun intended) of the film is not exciting and the big reveal of the villain's identity is flat as it was easy to spot who it was going to be in the first fifteen minutes. In the end it was difficult to know what it was about and understand the motives of the villain.

There are fine actors like Patrick Bergin, Dexter Fletcher, Phil Davis and the legendary Bruce Payne in it but they are not given much to do. The rest of the cast don't shine, particularly the actress who plays the Detective Inspector in whining child mode. All credibility evaporates when she is on screen.

The time of the action pops up on screen now and then but it doesn't really add to the suspense. It just made me keep looking at my watch and wandering when it would end. And getting around London is much harder than the film tries to makes out!
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