Review of Antisocial

Antisocial (I) (2013)
How to create a bad movie from a good idea
15 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I love movies in which the characters are locked up with each other in a small place. If it is a horror it's another positive point. This movie has both advantages, and even its basic idea is great: people go crazy from social media exposure. Yet the filmmakers managed to create a bad trash horror from it.

In my opinion the first two thirds of the movie are great. In the beginning we see how friends have a party, but then strange things happen in the outside world. We can observe it like they do: trough the TV and the internet. The actors are not good but they deliver their play adequate. The characters reactions to the events are fairly logical and understandable, but they can be a little annoying. This part of the movie is so far so good. Avarege horror performance with a few interesting tweaks.

But then the movie begins to turn into the terrible horror cliché trash I mentioned before. In the beginning I thought: Hm that's interesting. People are mentally 'infected' from a social media website bug and are going crazy. This is a good idea! Then the filmmakers decided to reveal the stupidest plot twist I have seen in my life: from the website a worm or nerve or I don't even know what kind of tumor started to grow in the people and this thing makes them a kind of zombie for a time and then they die. Then to further push the movie into a deep casm of stupidness the main character drills a hole in her own head to remove it, and of course survives.

Here I think I have seen everything bad this movie could deliver, but no no no.. Our hero leaves the apartment and we see all the people died from the tumor lying in the streets. Then just before the movie ends every dead person stands up because they became undead.

I don't advise you to watch this movie. Only if you want to have a tumor developed in your brain like the people in this bad trash movie.
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