Swing State (2017)
Charlie Weaver
15 February 2017
Back as a lad I remember on the old Tonight Show that Jack Paar hosted he used to have Cliff Arquette but as the character he created as Charley Weaver from Mount Idy. Fictional name, fictional town, but you never saw Arquette out of character. His little small town homilies were filled with wit if you read between the lines he had some devastating humor. There's a bunch of Arquettes acting today and they are his descendants.

Charlie was a lot funnier than this film Swing State who has quirky disc jockey Alex Beh create this fictitious radio guest who is supposed to be a satire on Rush Limbaugh types. The idea was great, but the execution falls flat as the Trump electorate feels they've found a John the Baptist type crying in their wilderness. Also a whole lot like Meet John Doe where Barbara Stanwyck and James Gleason create a fictional John Doe and then have to find someone to give him flesh and bones.

Frank Capra's film was a whole lot more serious than Swing State, still it had its funny moments.

Beh had a good idea, but it just doesn't gel.
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