Ted Takes Up Writing
19 February 2017
Ted Baxter finds out that some of the best anchormen write their own copy. So he takes Murray's news stories and "jazzes them up." It is hilarious, but Lou is not impressed. When Ted tells Lou that some of the "Big Ones" do a lot of their own writing, Lou tells him something he needs to know: He is not a "Big One." This all started when it was revealed that Mary was taking a writing class. Ted demands to take the class which is run by a stuffy old lady. Ted takes over, embarrassing himself and Mary. When it's pointed out that he is an anchorman, the teacher says that her husband was also in the Navy. Everything comes to a boil as Ted steals Mary's story and turns it into one of the most ridiculous (and funny) stories ever written. One of the best episodes of the series.
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