The Unkindness of Ravens is greatness of Ravens.
12 February 2017
I knew what to expect, having seen teaser trailers of this film on the Kickstarter page, to which l pledged my money and got my frights. I also did the same with these guys first film "Lord Of Tears" and second time around they have really notched up the terror tenfold. The images come thick and fast like a nightmare you cannot wake from, and the unease that pervades the whole film is testament to the craft and skill of Lawrie and Sarah in the choice of actors and brilliant script, and the settings, costumes and effects all add to the feeling of doom they were surely going for. The ravens morph into man-sized denizens of evil and torment our hero almost to death. I do not want to give anything away in case some people have not seen this and want to (l highly recommend you do by the way) but suffice it to say it was the most unsettling film l have seen all year, and will ever see l think. Fans of good psychological horror films will love this and rightly so. It is a tour-de-force, and l cannot wait for film 3 from Hex Media.
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