The Walking Dead: No Way Out (2016)
Season 6, Episode 9
The episode I've been waiting for since the start of season 1
23 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was the best episode of The Walking Dead since it first began.

You can always tell when you have a good episode on your hands when you go through the whole gamut of emotions. You had shock, awe, anger, despair, resentment, relief, elation, fear. I could go on and on. This episode had it all.

Even the first scene was probably the best start to a TWD episode. When Daryl blew up the biker gang with a bazooka. Awesome!

The best part of the episode though was the fight back against the walkers towards the end. Rick driven to pure anger at the potential loss of his son goes on the rampage. Killing walkers indiscriminately with his axe. Just like we've seen other characters do in earlier shows after a big trauma/loss.

The reason why I say in my post title though, that I've been waiting for this since the start of season 1 is, the walkers are slow and dumb. It doesn't matter how many you are against if you are organized and have the right equipment, strategy and mentality. Ideally you wouldn't go mob handed into the middle of such a big group as they did in this episode but it shows what is possible.

You would more likely funnel them somehow in a '300' type strategy into a bottleneck and kill every one of them. That's how 300 could take on thousands in that film. Filter them through and slaughter them all.

However, the way it happened in this episode was way cooler. But emphasizes the point. The walkers aren't smart or quick or clever. They are slow moving and easily picked off. Kill em all. Don't lead them away to come back another day.

Great episode. I might go and watch it again. Something I have only ever done after watching a really, really good Game of Thrones episode.
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